
By BikerJim

~Another Dreary Day~

~And No Sunset~

Whats going on here in southern Arizona? No sunlight, no bright colors and no sunsets to speak of! Well, just have to make do with what I'm given. The upside of this, I am learn more about seeking out less obvious photographic subject. Also, my post-processing chops are getting a real workout, another learning experience!

This a section of the Santa Catalina Mountains call Pusch Ridge, a very beautiful and rugged rock face. The upper most elevations are about 9,000 feet, I took this photograph at about the 1,500 foot elevation down in the Oro Valley, about 15 miles south of my place.

If I had published this image with out any post-processing it would have been dull, lifeless and just plain ordinary. As most Blippers know I'm not adverse to doing a fair amount of after the fact processing, likewise, I'm not shy about admitting it either. Part of my art is camera work, another part is working the image using various digital processing programs. Again, without the "after the click" work this image would not have been worth showing anyone. In light of (no pun intended) the lack of working sunlight today, I would have not have had an image to post tonight!

Thanks for your wonderful comments
on the last few days in my Blip Journal.
Have a wonderful week, ok?
TucsonJim ;o)

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