Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Flower Friday...with a hummer

I was so tempted to give you yet another bug porn photo today, but then I saw the hummers in the gladiolas and I knew I had my blip.  Even though I know how small these birds are, it is still somewhat shocking to see them next to the glads - they actually have to fly into the flower to get at the nectar.  This image is heavily cropped as I was sitting on the other side of the patio when I took it - and I also had to tweak the exposure in LR as it was a little under.  But I'm happy with it.  And although this doesn't strictly adhere to the suggested Flower Friday theme of music...the buzz of hummingbird wings is music to my ears every summer, so I'm goin' with it!

I had a nice jaunt along a few trails nearby - some "forest bathing" and then a stroll through several meadows where I was treated to lots of interesting sights.  In no particular order...
A most peculiar wasp-mimic fly
Orange butterfly on orange milkweed
and Small milkweed bug porn!!  (You didn't really think I'd pass this up, did you???)

I checked on the bluebirds and happy to report that they are looking a lot more like birds now than they were when they hatched a week ago.  I posted a cell phone shot Here, showing them in all their cuteness.  They are big enough now that the house wrens are not a threat and I haven't seen any of the House sparrows around, so I think we're good on all fronts.  The box has a predator guard to keep out snakes, squirrels and other climbers.

Happy Friday, people.

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