
By patrona

Green tomatoes

Having been advised by our friendly neighbourhood plantsman to harvest our tomatoes green and hang them in the dark cellar for four weeks, I tentatively ventured into the jungle which is the tomato patch and lopped off maybe 70% of the fruit that was weighing down the branches. My courage failed me with the rest and I tied up the plants ,lifting the fruit into the sun again, and those I will leave to a couple of days before I go to Scotland later this month.

These are a local variety, especially grown to rub on bread for Pa amb Tomaquet, they have grown very well this year and so far are bug and rot free. My harvest of 6 kilos is satisfying especially since the heat and lack of rain has stifled many other parts of the veggie garden.

Advice on the internet suggests uprooting the whole plant and hanging it for the fruits to finish ripening, perhaps thats the way I will go.

Just as an aside the Oca in the beds are not looking good, the ones in the pots seem to be working away, time will tell

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