The Eildon Hills

After checking the weather forecast for north of the border - "a chance of occasional showers till 3, after which sun and cloud and 22degrees - we set off through the ducal lands of Northumberland, Roxburghe and finally, Buccleuch, to park in Newtown St Boswella for our foray up the Eildon Hills. This area was where Mr C spent his childhood so he knows it well, so we thought it would be nice to take our southern friend Dennis.

Just as we crossed the border into Scotland the rain started. Just a spot we thought, as we set off towards Bowden, in our shorts. I wore my walking sandals as they are more comfortable for my sore foot, and suitable for a summer day. We carried our raincoats "just in case". As we hit the climb up to the smallest Eildon the first "shower" started.

The blip is of the chaps reaching the summit of the little Eildon. You can see the two still to do. It was the only photo I took, as soon after the next "shower" started and continued torrentially till we got down the last hill, 2 hours later.

We'd planned to stop off on the way home for a meal, but as we were all soaked to our knickers, we decided to go home.

By the time we got home the sun was out and it was 24 degrees. Thanks BBC weather.

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