Mission impossible

Had a sms-conversiation with a hurt, angry and highly provokative person today. 
My mother. 
So sad situation: there has been an almost non-speaking period since last xmas. Mainly because I seem to be so difficult person. Still I tried to make it. Once again forget and forgive. Even if I could not be sure if she was sober or not... Oh Well....

It is a skill not to be provoked. Let it be. Stay cool in adult way. Sigh.
Not easy, but I have apparently learned my lesson. 

Today I had it enough. Removed her from my blipfoto followers and protected my blips. I really do not need any mom-stalker here, if she does not like to be in touch in the real life. 

Therapized me with a macro to focus the bad feeling away. Dark drop. A test photographed with Samsung J5 (2016) and a macro lens.

Happy end to a day was that I had a nice chat with a distant new friend in arthritis croup of Facebook. And another in a group of Highly sensitive persons.. I am so happy to find my kind of tribe here and there!

Thanks for your company here, I'll try to catch you up soon!


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