Magical moment

Something flew into the garden today.
A dragonfly!?!

I have never seen this big Dragonfly, ever, anywhere?!?! There it was, some 8cm long, staring something. It took me a second to realize it, then some seconds time as I run indoors, grapped the camera with me and run out again. Had no time at all to fix any new settings to the camera - and hoping for the best - captured 4 shots.

Then the magical moment was gone: Dragonfly flew away.
Our garden normalized into it own self.

Do you know if the dragonflies like roses?

For testing it I got a rage today and fixed the most sunny spot of the frontyard - digged the old ugly pine away and planted three roses instead. Maybe there will be more magical moments in our yards...


Ps From the finnish dragonfly sites I found out that this might be a Ruskoukonkorento (Aeshna grandis). Do you agree?

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