Kitchen Art 6

Time for a "Kitchen Art" picture. I just had this overwhelming urge to do one, today. It is also true that I did feel a bit fatigued from yesterday's gadding about and so running around after Blackheath and Blue Mountains locations certainly did not appeal.

Now having said all that, I sort of settled on a bowl of eggs for no reason other than eggs and bowls are all round and can be expected to do interesting things with light. I shot about 20 frames which were whittled down to three and this one won out overall. Took about an hour and a half in the finish.

As a wise old photographer once said to me "Son ... " (he sort of talked like Foghorn Leghorn a bit) He said "Son .... it ain't very often that ye'll get ta shoot somethin' extraordinary." He'd pause to consider his thoughts at this point. "About the best ya kin hope fer ista shoot somethin' ORDINARY in an EXTRAORDINARY manner."

Well this IS fairly ordinary but it WAS an attempt to do it in a special way .... mmmm .... there's always tomorrow.

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