In My World

By JoanneInOz

Nightime Silhouettes

This is all I saw of my garden today. Well actually, I did feed the birds first thing this morning, before heading off to work, but it was way too cold to stay outside to take photos. I think it went down to around 4 C degrees last night, which is very cold for here.

By the time I arrived home, at about 6 pm, the dark of the night had all but set in.

I mentioned in yesterdays entry that I had a big day approaching, which I will tell you all about tomorrow. Tonight I am helping prepare for the day, so still haven't the time available for journal visiting as yet, which is really frustrating! I have so much catching up to do!!

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend. No doubt watching the Olympic Games will be a top priority for many of you. I hear that GB now has 3 gold medals, which is way more than the Oz team have. Oh well, the games are still young....

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