
By LuvU2

Flap-necked Chameleon (Chamaeleo dilepis)

I found this cutie when I walked in the garden, on my way to read the rain gauge this morning. He is still very young, and such a little busybody, it was quite a commotion to blip him! I always thought they were so slow, but he moved at high speed as soon as R jnr let go of him!

He is easily identified by the large skin flaps behind the head.

The chameleon can change its body colour from green to brown or pale yellow to camouflage itself. We brought him into the house, to try and blip him with the very long tail extended, you should see how he changed colours when agrivated and when running on the darker colours, but none of those photos are clear enough, so I decided on this one on R jnr?s hand,

Chameleons feed on flies and small insects which they catch by flicking out their long sticky tongues.
Chameleons lay up to 50 eggs in summer. These eggs can take nine months to hatch.

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