Flying high

A busy day in the office
On the way back to the underground there was a man cycling on the pavement riding his Brompton.  That annoyed me as it wasn’t safe.  Then he attempted to cycle off the pavement onto the road in front of a bus and fell off his bike instead.  I went to aid and picked up his bike and made sure that he was OK. I am 100% certain that he had been drinking. He cycled away.
The underground was then delayed so I walked to another underground station.  Boarded a train until Embankment and then walked back to Waterloo.  I had forgotten how busy it would be. And as you can see the sky ride is back.
And then the train was delayed by 40 minutes due to signalling problems.
There wasn’t much of the evening left.
And  Miranda1008 (wish her Happy Birthday) correctly identified yesterday’s plant as hemp agrimony (eupatorium cannabinum)

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