Muckley Corner Open Space

On the A5, heading towards Cannock, a couple of roundabouts before the field where the Staffordshire Hoard was discovered, you might just notice an overgrown sign indicating "Muckley Corner Open Space." When you reach the roundabout, it is clearly signed Muckley Corner but you've gone too far, and it's a dual carriageway.

I saw this mysterious bit of apparent waste land a few years ago, and pulled over to explore. It's a sort of nature reserve, but was very neglected (apart from a warning sign that they were trying to get rid of the Himalayan Balsam).

They've cleared one of the paths and it's now possible to walk around quite a bit of the perimeter of this heathland reserve. I think the grant that allowed this is part of the same one that the Pipe Hill Heathland reserve attracted.

I was on my own, apart from a few white butterflies, two Gatekeepers, a Meadow Brown and a very elusive red one on the buddleia (probably a Peacock).  It was fascinating.  Lots of Rosebay Willowherb, and other wild plants, and in the  more central part, some delightful heather (the reason for protecting this area, I understand.)  I saw a cricket and quite a few bees - and heard a wider range of bird song than usual. I just wish I could identify birds by their call.

A place to return to. Definitely one to watch.

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