
By tondrijfhamer


Adventure park Steinwasenpark today.
Just south of Freiburg. On our way there I had the magnificent plan of not going through the heart of the city Freiburg again, but around it, via St. Peter.
That could have worked, if it wasn't for roadworks near St. Peter, (bauarbeiten am Weg)....we had to go via another road. A small road... Well, let's just say I was in a Rodelbahn/Rollercoaster sooner than I thought I'd be. Hahaha. But it went well, just 1 truck that made me go back/upwards again.

In the park, the boys had fun in several rollercoasters, rodelbahn, wild water things, and so on. Even the small zoo with local animals was a succes.
The way back to our camping: Yep, right through the centre of Freiburg again. Last time. Went ok, though I still don't understand why a flashlight blinked right in my eye when I crossed a road.

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