Brown's Clix

By tonybrown


Difficult to find anything that was strictly a logo for today's challenge.

I found plenty of trademarks and fancy-styled business and product names, but I've always understood a logo to be a pice of graphic or artwork that visually identifies something.

Maybe I'm splitting hairs - I frequently do and usually end up making things harder for myself in the process - or a complete jackass of myself - which is not unusual anyway.

So here's what I think is the logo of Wisden - which some may argue is an emblem - if only as reminder that there are other sportsmen at work apart from those around the East End of London - and some of them got very wet this afternoon when rain stopped play and also held up traffic in other parts of God's Own County.

View large and tell me if you think the batsman is John Lennon in sunglasses. For those not aware, the batsman is on the right.

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