Another day with a headache.  But I didn't let it hold me back.  Household jobs this morning then I went to The Metrocentre.  To get extra steps I walked down to the village to catch the bus.

Had a good look around the shops and bought a couple of tops in the M & S Sale.  Went into BHS.  It was strange to see the shop in its final days.  Lots of areas were completely empty.  There wasn't much to interest me but I did buy a nice fleecy PJ/Lounge top and a Denby cup.  Both greatly reduced in price.

The Abstract Thursday challenge set by youoregon1 today is  Mirrors .  I took my blip shot in the " ladies " in M & S. ( Had to wait till there was no-one else about )  I took the photo on an angle and did a bit of processing in Picasa.

Steps today - 8,615

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