Through the window

The weekly challenge theme is Churches, so I had a walk around St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church in Fulford.  The prism on the wall seen through a window fascinated me.  I don't know what was creating the colourful prism, but I think the sunlight was coming through the round window above the entrance and reflecting off something colourful inside.  I liked how part of the window frame looks like a cross.
Interesting information on a plaque attached to the wall outside and provided by the Government of BC and the Salt Spring Island Historical Society:
"This is Saltspring Island's oldest church, founded in 1878 by Father Donckele, the first Roman Catholic missionary to the Gulf Islands.  Erected between 1880 and 1885 by members of the community, the windows, door and bell were acquired from Father Rondeault's 'Butter Church' in Cowichan Bay.  The materials were brought in Indian canoes from Cowichan Bay to Burgoyne Bay, then by ox-drawn stoneboat to this site.  The church was formally dedicated on May 10, 1885, by Bishop J.B. Brondel.  Coloured stonework was added about 1973."
I'm familiar with the Butter Church in Cowichan Bay near Duncan on Vancouver Island.  Here's some info on why it's called the Butter Church.

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