twinned with trumpton


Plan A went out the window the instant she found out she'd been paid. (She forgot it was a bank holiday on Monday so wasn't expecting wages until Monday)

So hastily rearranging Tom's video shooting aspirations, we reconvened at hers with a view to buying a bed at Ikea for her imminently returning prodigal son.

It was easy enough to sell; "Ikea brunch...?" And that was it.

We managed to score a £20 off voucher - well I did as I went first - and then I promptly handed it her behind me and she used it instantly! Nice.

Then squeezing it all in with all of us, we headed off back to hers to dump in a heap on the bedroom floor (I think that'll be Tuesday's job for me)

We shelved shopping and I took Zander to Teo's party at Ainslie Park; I had hoped to take Tom swimming but... They close at 4 and it was hardly worth getting for 25 mins.

So we headed off to Wardie playing fields; did a bit of cross bar challenge and then picked a bunch of blackberries (late this year, so they are): back for Zander and then in for crumble making and Sunday evening wind down.

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