
I'm not very well today.

When Ann came downstairs this morning I was looking all subdued and unhappy and then Ann spotted a splodge of sick on the floor. While Ann was cleaning up my sick I went upstairs because Ann's sisters have been staying with us and I wanted to see if they were awake. While I was upstairs I was sick again. Then I went for my walk and I was sick again.

Now as those of you who follow my Blips regularly will know, I've got a nasty abscess on my paw and the vet has given me lots of pills to make it better. Ann asked the vet what side effects the pills had, and being sick wasn't one of them?! My abscess is slowly getting better so Ann was reluctant to stop giving me my pills but she didn't want to give me any breakfast in case I was sick again. So all I got for breakfast were my pills and a little bit of cheese. Cheese is my most favourite treat in the world.

Anyway after I'd been sick a few more times Ann said, 'Molly, I think I'm going to phone the very lovely Jonathan (the vet) for advice.' Jonathan said it was highly unlikely that my pills were making me sick. He thinks its far more probable that I ate something suspect on my big long walk yesterday. Jonathan says I have to have chicken and boiled rice for dinner tonight and breakfast tomorrow because he doesn't want me taking my pills on an empty tummy. Yum yum, yum. I love proper chicken and rice!

Ann has just cooked my chicken and rice but apparently I've got to wait for it to cool down before I eat it. Ann says the last thing she wants is to add a burnt tongue onto my list of ailments!

I've just had little walks today because Ann didn't want me to exert myself too much but do you know what I did when I came out of the house this afternoon?............................ I spotted a big huge cat in the communal courtyard that I've never ever seen before. Well I don't want strange cats in our communal courtyard. Actually I don't want any cats in our communal courtyard. So I zoomed down the steps and then chased him/her under the fence. Then I squeezed under the fence myself and chased him/her until he/she went into someone else's garden that I couldn't get into. And because Ann is too fat to squeeze under the fence, she had to walk all the way around the building to come and capture me. Then she made me pose by the fence because we had nothing better to blip she said that she didn't want everyone in Blipland feeling sorry for me because I was poorly. Apparently if I was really poorly I wouldn't have the energy to go cat chasing??!!

…..............And now my chicken and rice has cooled down so I'm just about to get my dinner. Yay!

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