
By ecclescake


It was meant to be a delicate little bird.... graceful and elegant and lovely. Instead it turned into a dinosauric mega beast bird/duck hybrid that you would be a little scared to encounter down a darkened back alley...

I've been playing out with Cathintheattic today at one of her workshops in Burnley Library... (more about the project here)

As I missed last week, had to catch up and make my bird super quick. I do like how it turned out, but it was very different to how it was planned, and I got a little 'bird envy' for some of the other classy creations complete with top hats and feathers.

Cath created a cool collage picture of me and one of the other much younger participants morphed together - which we called 'Megaline' as we were Megan and Caroline. We then created a whole back story for Megaline that involved fantastical elements... I think a library is a fitting place to be inventing new stories :-)

Caths blip today is me concentrating on creating the beast bird

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