
There's never a dull moment.

This one needed picking up from a sleepover. Which gave me an opportunity to trade off a photo opportunity in the field outside our house. The manual for the new camera was jettisoned in favour of taking lots of photos and pressing all the buttons.

Ruby left very early as she was at an open day at Stirling University with her Mum.

Joe decided to terrify the life out of us, so Ruby had to be recalled en-route to an evening event in Leith in case me and Mrs S were needed overnight.

In the end a scary Saturday evening spent in A&E was enough and he was discharged in the early hours. Got home to lots of hugs from his Mum who had been sleeping on the sofa with his sisters while I texted any news whenever I could.

He slept on my shoulder in A&E, all the way home in the car, then went straight to bed when he got in. We are hoping sleep works its magic and he's better today. Either way he has been referred for further tests. 

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