
After a stressful morning trying to sort out what had gone wrong with the cards - 14 out of 20 were not good, it seems that the error lies in their end and hopefully reprints will be forthcoming.
The weather was divine - bright, sunny, warm, breezy so I took myself off on one of my favourites walks. Park in Kilcrohane village, where I was given a free strawberry ice cream plus two flakes, then head down small lanes , climb a stone stile, through fields, over a stone clapper bridge, pass two standing stones, through a garden, down another tiny green road with sheep; into a small hamlet (Paddock) , admire the houses, quick sneak into an abandoned one, onwards over a small ford, pass naughty cattle and onwards to the sea - big pebbles, lots of shimmers, samphire in the rocks and not a soul around.. The montbretia is everywhere mingling with fuschsia, heather and purple loosestrife. All very restorative.
I even thought about swimming and we went down to the beach in the evening but the wind is from the south east and the water was a bit gungy. We went to the pub and had a gin and tonic instead.

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