David J. Rose

By djrose007

Back Blip 2 - Hiking in the Forest

On Saturday we started off with a good breakfast and at 11:30 set off for the amazing viewpoint that is Symonds Yat. We walked through the forest seeing lots of evidence of wild Boar where they have turned over large stretches of forest floor, and grass verges, in search of roots, berries, acorns and other food.
I've added an extra of the view from Symonds Yat of the River Wye.

I didn't know about the Health App on my phone but Julia had a look and showed me that on Saturday I walked a total of 17,162 steps and 9.96km, which converts to 6 miles 332 yards, what it doesn't reflect is that much of that was uphill!

In the evening we went to the Globe Inn, Coleford, where more beer was consumed and we were entertained by an amazing quartet of musicians called 'Big Jim and American Eric'. When I say amazing I mean it was one of the most entertaining and versatile bands I've seen. American Eric was incredible in the way he jerked around completely wrapped up in the music, lots of improvisation with the lead guitarist who changed guitars depending on what they were doing. Another extra. Trying to avoid extras but I think it's warranted for Saturday.

A great night, a very wet night. Rain lashed down for hours after I got back to the campsite, luckily I'd settled down by the time it started. 

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