Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiny Worlds

Last night's rain left lovely little droplets all over everything, just begging to be photographed.  I was lucky to grab a few shots before the sun came out and made the droplets way too contrasty.  I had a little go at this in Lightroom to lighten up the droplet just a bit.  Figure it's good enough.

I released #72 today after giving him several hours outside in the sun to warm up.  By the time I opened the enclosure, he was ready to go.  Meanwhile, a small group of about 5 monarchs showed up late this afternoon on the buddleia bush, no doubt a migrating group.  I took a shot of one of the males and processed it in mono, for a change.

The Presidential Debate last night was ...not surprising.  Nor was it particularly illuminating in terms of policy, but I guess that's no surprise.  Enough said on that subject.

I'm planning to start looking at the TinyTuesday entries later tonight or in the morning - really looking forward to seeing all the great images!  And, I know you are all going to make my job of picking my favorites incredibly difficult, as usual!  Please do stop by the link above and have a peek at the wonderful images.

This morning we had two hummers in the yard as well as two of those adorable little red-breasted nuthatches.  So interesting that the RB nuthatches are being seen all over the county at the moment - unusual.  I dared to put some suet out today and (so far) no bears. Probably pushing my luck though, and will bring it in shortly.  

Carry on, people.

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