Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Painting Lady

This was my favourite statue at Anglesey Abbey today.

Another superb Blipmeet superby organised by the always lovely Nicoiseannie and ably attended by BedsWizzard, ApollyFly, RadioGirl, Valerie1940, and, PaulyM. 

Added a few extras including a selfie in my (and most of ours I believe) favourite room, the fact of the day was learning that Lord Fairhaven collected the books to read himself but did get fancy covers added so they looked better on the amazing set of bookshelves. 

The walk to Lode Mill was lovely and the brown hawker dragonfly was very patient. 

A splendid day; just what I needed.

Stella had got plenty of rest while I was out but I'm sure she must be bored bless her. She still managed to keep me on my toes by falling off the sofa when I sat down for a cuppa and a cuddle...still not entirely sure if it was genuine or attention-seeking for leaving her behind! 

Good people, good chat, good photos, good coffee, good cake...what more can I say? A good day :) 

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