Cooling Towerhenge

What a long day I've had ... I could use a power up, although when I shot this just after dawn this morning I think the cooling towers of the power station were still sleeping too!

[Edit: They do look a little like an ancient stone circle don't they - perhaps it just goes to show how we are worshiping fossil fuels...]

Spoilt for blip choices today. I might have been even more spoilt if the security guard at Somerset House hadn't stopped me taking pictures of the ice skating because I wasn't related to any of the skaters. Eh? Oh well. And I was only shooting more feet & skates.

So I trotted over the Waterloo Bridge and took some shots of the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye basking in the sunshine.

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In some other sad news today my gran in Australia passed away. Although I've not seen her for years (except on Skype) its a sad, although not unexpected loss. I'm sorry mum, we're all thinking about you and grandma.

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LOTD: Tennant's Bunny Ears II blip - a great perspective!

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