Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

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A long long flight to Bangkok, with a stopover to clean the plane. As we were about to take off again, the stewardess came and asked us to move seats. Where to? Yes! Business Class!

I was SO excited. If you've never flown Business Class, then you just don't know how marvellous it is. Buttons to press the move the seat up, down (right down flat) and around. Even a massage! After a meal (china tea cups and saucers, tablecloth, real plates etc) where I could use my elbows normally, I was able to lie down and sleep for a few hours. What a treat!

A couple of hours in Dubai, which meant the Posh Lounge with acres of food choices, then back an 8 hour flight to Glasgow. The treats didn't stop there. This man was there to meet us. A man in a kilt. With a purpose. I was very glad to see him!

Watching the Closing Ceremony. Glad I've got the fast forward.

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