Inverness and the River Ness viewed from the Friar's Bridge tonight, on the way home after swimming. The Moon was out, and has lit up some of the clouds - perhaps just discernible in the big version.

Was quite late tonight, and also stopped to take a couple of long exposure shots by the Inverness end of the Kessock Bridge. After cycling over the bridge, and on for another mile or so, was just coming out from under the North Kessock underpass, and slowly pedalling up the steep hill. A vehicle came up behind and was slowly following me, rather than overtaking. "Bit strange", I thought. Then they started flashing their lights. "Who the heck's this?" Looks around and, "Oh, oh!" It's the Police. Two Officers in a van... two, seemingly very young, lady Police Officers (supposedly a sign of old age if you think they're becoming very young).

It wasn't for any misdemeanor, though the guilty conscience had me wondered if it was going to be about those fading batteries for back light. "Excuse us Sir, but did you stop on the Kessock Bridge tonight?" So I was pulled over for Blipping! Some concerned bypasser must've thought I was either up to no good, or about to do myself some harm, and reported the suspicious character. Unfortunately several folk have done themselves some harm by jumping off the bridge, and others have threatened to do so, as I encountered a few years ago.

They were very nice, and we had a bit of banter and a laugh. They don't half want to be able to identify you clearly. So for the second time this year: full name; date of birth; place of birth; and home address were noted, along with a wee description of what I was doing at the time. Funny thing (to me) was, that earlier in the evening I'd finally spent the last half of that thank you reward in M&S, that someone gave to me for handing in their huge pile of keys attached to a petrol cap. That occasion being the previous time my details were noted.

After they headed off, I remembered I'd also been lurking about the Friar's Bridge for a while too, and wondered if anyone reported that. Oh well. Head for home. Was back for about 10:00... and start making something to eat. No chance of uploading anything tonight.

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