Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Leave me alone, I'm knackered

Early start for a Saturday as Kilda and I headed over to Vogrie Park to meet the Cani-sport Edinburgh club. We had a great time and found a very friendly bunch. Lan kindly showed us around the route and fitted us out with our harnesses. Muddy route and a few more hills than I’m used to but we had a great time. Kilda started to get the hand of it by the end and was out in front pulling me along. We will be back next week. Came back and Julie had almost finished the work she needed to do. Headed over to Dobbies, as they are now dog friendly, to get some more pots for the garden. The garlic arrived yesterday and we needed more pots to plant next years crop. Stopped off to do a bit of shopping on the way back. While J did some cooking for the weeks ahead I went up town to get a new amp for the kitchen. The flat has speakers in most of the rooms and the amp that was left by the previous people wouldn’t do HDMI. Came back and managed to get the cable re-routed before strictly started. Here is Kilda after our run this morning catching up on some rest.

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