Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Dragon chow

The pickings were a bit slim today, but I did pick up some quality despite the low volume, including four different damsel flies, a lizard portrait, a large golden orb weaver spider chowing on a dragonfly and a straight dragon shot. I decided to spare you the spider shot as it was a bit gruesome and would likely put you off your dinner, especially if you were having burgers.

This green Sabina dragon was enjoying a sulfur butterfly for lunch. I cropped in close to show you what a messy affair butterfly menus can be.

I really don't feel like I have received my blip fix for the day as I only took fifty images, on a normal safari I would quadruple this number. So, I am thinking about an additional mid-afternoon session, as it has been a long while since I have been out in the heat of the day. Sometimes different insects appear at different times of the day and also seasons, so it is a good idea to explore different times occasionally.


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