Ugly Buildings

My car needed repairs and I had to spend most of the day in Christchurch waiting for it. Part of the time my daughter, FirehorseMia was with me, which was lovely. We strolled along the Avon River banks looking at the hard lines of the new steps that didn’t quite ruin the chestnuts in bloom. Mia had to go to an appointment and left me at the Art Gallery, where I hoped to spend a couple of quiet hours. However, I was forced to flee from a brass band and amplified music that reverberated painfully throughout all the spaces. I made my way back to the bus station, taking advantage of many seats on the way. My knees were very sore. After lunch I bused back to my car and spent a couple of hours or more in the comfortable waiting room. Then when I got my car at last I still had to do my grocery and gardening shopping. By the time I reached home I was exhausted.

Although I couldn’t walk far I did get to see some of the central city. There are still great blocks of empty places, derelict and partly demolished buildings, new buildings going up, and many completed. Most of the new buildings are ugly steel and glass boxes. I saw only one that I liked.

The blip is of the reflection of a construction site in the glass facade of the building next to it. The extra shot is of the other Gormley sculpture of the pair called “Stay.” (It's mate I blipped here). This one seems to be dejected about the river being closed, due to long-term bridge work.

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