S1 - Another Day

By S1

Animal park fun

Today didn't stay off the best. Poor LJ ended up coughing so much during the night, that he was sick (at midnight). It was only the once and we were pretty sure it was because of his cold, but we didn't sleep much during the night as we kept checking on him - just in case.

Despite the lack of sleep, somehow we managed to make check-out time. And to let the kids have a good run, we headed to the Animal Park. The boys had a great time feeding the animals, especially the wallabies!

Although this time, CJ decided that one of the young alpaca's was his new best friend. After much discussion, CJ called her Jupiter! It was so cute, he would only feed her and kept talking to her using her new name!

We then had lunch at the picnic area in town, and it wasn't long before the boys had an army of ducks, all wanting some of the leftovers!

We then headed back to the pools for another swim. Well all except poor LJ and S2. Given his night-time performance, we didn't want to take him swimming, just in case. So, S2 took him to the playground and for a walk around town. At one point the path walked around the pools and he just stood there pointing... Poor little LJ - a walk with Dad want quite the same as swimming.

We then headed home and I took LJ down to after hours, just to get his lungs checked. We were pretty sure it would just be a cold virus, but decided it was a good idea to check for an infection. Luckily, it turned out to just be a virus.

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