Lucas on Look Out Duty

Fine drizzle again this morning, forecast not to clear until late afternoon, so we, Ollie, Lucas and I set off as usual mid morning for our walk regardless. It wasn't cold, just penetrating persistent drizzle and a stiff breeze. We headed up to the old world war two army camp on the top of the hill. Lots of rabbits to chase, though quite safely as neither dog is any use at catching them - Lucas is now too old and slow, and Ollie doesn't have much of a killer instinct - if any!

The camp was a heavy anti aircraft battery and as you can see, they would have got a commanding view over Scapa Flow from up there. There are lots of old army buildings still around in Orkney, although in the 70s and 80s there were grants to help farmers get rid of them off their land, and lots of them were knocked down.

The owner of this camp grazes cattle up here part of the year, although there are lots of deep holes and wire and metal work in the long grass. The up side is that there are lots of places for the cattle to shelter when the weather turns really bad! The dogs love it, and it is a great place for hide and seek!

I wonder if Lucas is looking for his owners? They are due back from holiday on Monday, but it's a tricky thing to explain to a dog . . .

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