Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Still some colour around

Another very frosty morning so some great blip opportunities.  Had to go into Carlisle so Misty got a walk in Bitts Park again.   The frosts of the last two mornings have had an effect on the leaves which were falling and falling on us.  It was wonderful walking along the avenue of trees kicking up leaves.  However, today's blip just had to be these wonderful autumn colours before they disappear for another year.

More work started on the house today and there is sooo much mess everywhere.  But the good news is its only taking three days instead of five, but it will probably take me forever to sort out the mess.

A big thank you for all the stars and hearts for yesterday's snow capped Skiddaw reflections and to think that I very nearly didn't stop off at the lake :)

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