and more so because she was shining on the leaf where she sat.
Not the most convenient place to take pictures. In the jungle of what I intented to be a little herb garden but since I hate to discard little new green halms especially when the place is still so bare after winter, it is overfull grown.
When my visitor became aware of been seen she moved around up and down the stems. I was amazed how she wandered and not for one second stopped at all.
As always at some moment I decided I had enough and leave her alone.
A whole new world I discovered not only of the bug but also of the shape of the plants and flowers seen through the macro lens. And I like that a lot not knowing what other little creatures I could find for a new blip.
The weather is so hot that the thought of going somewhere else is not pleasant.
Reading in the shade is; I have started to read Anthony Scott's book On Ashover Hill and am immersed in it.
Or a bit of dreaming, nice too of course.

My haiku:

Connect my vision
To yours little shiny one
I feel more than big

And the german proverb:

When fortune opens one door, she opens another.

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