
By maryanneb

Just having a little coffee break

Couldn't resist uploading something new after my initial excitement about my photo being published :)

On Sunday I was asked by a friend to assist her to shoot a Barista Championship. I shot close to 10 rolls of film and had a great day shooting. When it came around to scanning, my scanner decided that this would be the right time to die. I spent about 2 hours scanning until I actually looked at the images properly and there is a big fat vertical streak about 6/8 into every frame. Tried other film to check that I wasn't in fault somehow but no cigar, time for a new scanner I can't afford. Such is life :)

The Barista pictured is the lovely Aaron, who I was surprised to find out was only 17, he did an awesome job. He was kind enough to give me a few minutes to take a more formal portrait amongst all the busyness of the day.

Should be back to some kind of normal blipping soon, I've needed to focus my attention on some important stuff in my life. All is good.

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