Big Hill

By bighill

Dalem Lake

What a glorious day it was here.....pretty chilly at around 0, but with the sun out it felt wonderful.

After lunch Terry and i headed out for a little exploration!!  Where to go is always the question, there are so many fabulous walk, in all directions, within 1/2 hour of us.   The deciding factor:  which walk took us in the direction of the open liquor store.....sounds like a perfect plan to me!!!  So off we went to Dalem Lake.  Any time we've been there we've hardly ever encounter other folks...even at the high of summer...seems strange cos it is a lovely place.   When we have walked around the whole lake it can take about 1 1/2....but given that i haven't had much in the way of hiking for the past 4-6 weeks due to the bum knee, we opted for a shorter stint.  It was just right!   the knee did feel a bit wobbly after about 1/2 hour or so, but i walked slowly and just took it easy!  you can see the actual lake and the little beach in the extra!

Home again and time for a glass of that wine we bought!!!

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