
By Nigel

Wurst Sausage Ever

Bdum, tsh! Terrible pun and actually they are very tasty if I say so myself. Minced organic Scottish ruby veal mince from last week's food festival mixed with some pork went into these sausages. It being the first time I have made German sausage of any kind I was surprised by the soaking of bread in milk instead of the more normal rusk or cereal that is used to bind the meat together with glutens. For me, who is stuffing the casing by hand this meant that the whole process was very easy due to the meat mixture being so moist.
The end result was very tasty so I may be perusing the Germany section of my sausage book again in the near future.

The making of the sausage did however take up most of the evening though so there was very little time for anything else other than the most brief of flirtations with Mass Effect, I must be getting close to the end now though as there are some really tricky combat opponents popping up.

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