Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Winter Garden Market

aka... the Christmas Market I mentioned last week. I am guessing it isn't officially allowed to be called "Christmas Market" in this part of the world...

Anyway, after a much needed day in getting things done and also waiting for someone to upgrade the OS on my new laptop (he didn't come), we ventured out around 4 to get some things done.

First stop Lamcy to send a gift to my sister and nephew in Pakistan; then to check out this "authentic" Christmas Market being held at the St. Regis Hotel. It was - quaint! I definitely preferred the temperature here. So... there were a few stalls, they had mulled wine (very nice); a mini children's amusement area, and a live band who were actually playing at an extremely comfortable level so it was a pleasure listening to them whilst walking around. We stayed an hour...

And then home to get ready for a day at work tomorrow, and an evening of packing!

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