
By kettwigefrau

St Peter's

Today was yet another 'einschulung'*, my daughter started high school and of course this is taken very seriously.
Church at 1015 for an hour of waffle (without cream) and singing (the song sheets didn't even seem to help the German parents who talked through most of the "hymns"**) Then a stroll in the summer air to the school sports hall and yet more oration and music (at least we didn't have to join in this time) then the 99 children were called up individually by their new teachers before trotting off to find their classrooms.
We parents were then served coffee by the parents of previous years intake while we waited for our children to be let out of school.

A nice morning, but I'm glad it's over and done with, I'm especially glad that the scaffolding was gone from the church after they finished repainting it pink, otherwise it wouldn't have made such a pretty blip.

* am thinking to myself that the spelling looks a bit iffy, but am too lazy to check it.
** they were a bit plinky plonky musically to be proper hymns in my book.

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