the right temperature to walk and cycle. So I walked because I wanted to take pictures and Piet Hein and our guest S. cycled. I took the direct way to the ruin Krukenburg and they cycled (we have two bikes here) the beautfful path along the Diemel.
The cafe Krukenburg was closed for a day of rest so we went further to the Papageienhof and the Erlenhof. We looked at the parrots, some free flying others in their big cages. Rhe Erlenhof is a big farm where we had liked to eat a bit, but they opened at 2 pm and we continued our path. The cyclists went over the Weser bridge and I took the little ferry.
Then a shadowed and quiet place to sit and have a drink and cake.
How lucky we felt to have this beautiful day together.
Along the Weser we came back home!
There were so many grasshoppers and butterflies and I saw a white spider that hastily hided for fear of exposure and my blip has a little bug in it.

My haiku:

Up the hill and down
Again, the meadows and cornfields
Spread abundantly

And the french proverb:

Who sows thorns should not go barefoot.

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