Tiny Tuesday Challenge Results

It has been over a month since I posted a Tufted Titmouse, so I thought it might be time do it again.  They are so very cute but hard for me to capture.  They use the Dogwood tree as a jumping off point for the feeders, but they don’t sit for long.  This one is just getting ready to take off. They were extremely happy today, when I put out some mealworms.

This is my last week as host of Tiny Tuesday.  It has been such fun to look at all the wonderful images submitted.  I am actually getting the results up early this week because there were far fewer entries than previous weeks, which is quite understandable, considering this busy time of year. 

Here are my favorites for this week.  I urge you to look at them in “Large.”  I have found that many images are softer on the main page, but when “enlarged” they are much sharper no matter whether the “large” page makes them bigger, smaller or the same size.  This drives me crazy with my own images too.   I have mentioned it to BlipCentral in the past, but haven’t seen any changes.  Am I crazy or do you see the same thing?

Hearts this week go to:
Trisharooni - for subtle agapanthus bud with beautiful curves and texture
pipersmom - For a gorgeous colored Christmas Cactus
Gordo - for a frame full of hydrangea
Dbifulco- for a scary looking Daddy Long-legs and the 2000th entry in her incredible journal
JDO -for a most attractive stack of colored pencils with detail and lovely depth of field
dollykgray - for lovely silver Christmas beads that transition to beautiful bokeh

Be sure to also stop by and see these images that definitely deserve honorable mention:


BE SURE to LOOK AT THEM ALL IN "LARGE."  Let me know if you see a difference in sharpness between the regular page and LARGE. 

January's host will be Paladian.  For the line-up of hosts for coming months see Activities--> Blipmeets and Discussions--->Challenges.  We are still looking for a host for March so let me know if you are interested. 

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