
By FarmerGirl

Deep in thought

The boys have no school today - it's mid term break, so we were lucky enough to have their help on the farm this morning. This picture is of our oldest son C, who had run across a paddock to open a gate, so that the cows that had calved overnight could go into some fresh grass with their babies. C was waiting for the cows to arrive to turn them into the paddock, and I took this photo of him deep in thought while waiting. Have a look at it enlarged if you have time.

Both boys are a tremendous help on the farm. Before school, C goes around the calving cows on his motorbike to make sure that no one has had trouble calving in the night, and our other son T comes up to the calf shed to help feed calves. After school they also help us on the farm - we appreciate their help - as the saying goes, many hands make light work!

Hope you all have a great Friday.

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