No. 12

I've just been out into the calf paddock to see if I could get a photo of a calf asleep in the grass. However, as soon as the wee darlings saw me coming, they all got up and started following me. No.18 was the leader of the pack, bunting me up the crutch several times, and sucking on the legs of my jeans, while no. 12 (in this photo) initially stood there looking and then decided to come and join in the fun. I felt like the piped piper!

I think the calves thought that I was coming to feed them, but unfortunately they have to wait another couple of hours for that. Eventually I made my get away through the gate.

Feeding out this morning was a bit of a task. Seven new mums over night, and only six followed their babies in the trailer. The seventh mum decided she would rather be with her friends. She back tracked, crashed through the fence and ended back with her mates. Thank goodness for a couple of fit sons who could run around her and get her out of the paddock, and back with her calf. She behaved herself the second time - probably due to exhaustion.

Mowed the lawns this afternoon. It has come over cloudy now and looks like it is going to rain. Time to get tea ready, before going out to feed calves.

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