New Year's Day 2017

A new day, and a new year. Welcome 2017! May you prove everyone wrong and give us a safer twelve months than your predecessor and more hope for a peaceful world.

Along with all my new year resolutions of being patient and kindly towards His Lordship even when he is winding me up and being particularly annoying, of limiting my scone intake, of not cursing under my breath tourists blocking my passage on pavements, and of going to the gym regularly, there is another one about curbing my obsessive compulsive daily blipping.

Very often I beat myself up trying to find a blip and then struggle to say anything worthy of posting just because the whole thing of not missing a day has become something of an obsession in my mind.
I have made a New Year resolution that allows me to miss a day here and there if necessary and not be found wanting. I am not throwing in the towel, just perhaps holding it a little more loosely. You and I will find out in due time if I can manage to keep to the plan.

Today I have taken the lazy way out by blipping the Edinburgh fireworks as watched on the television last night. Now we are looking forward to the arrival for coffee of blipper Poppy and husband down in the city from Orkney to sing the Messiah tomorrow in the Usher Hall.

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