Instruction part deux: Come on mum, be adventurous

The drizzle stopped and son#1 took me out for a second lesson. We headed to the river again but this I was actually in in the water almost to the tops of my wellies,under the bridge amongst the rapids, kneeling in impossible positions and getting a wet bum. 'Come on mum, be adventurous' , was the order. Focus was on long exposures again, but this time filters were introduced as well - yes, 19mart71 in answer to your question yesterday, ND filters were utilised- impressive eh?? Take a look at the master for how it should be done.
This afternoon we went on a walk, organised as part of the Heritage Week goings-on. it was meant to be to a holy well, one I hadn't been to so expectations were high. Unfortunately, the site was deemed too muddy and we went to the marriage stone instead. The weather was fanatstic and a a good time was had.
Tonight we're going out for a game of ping-pong - all happening.

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