Oh, it's very quiet. The last man left yesterday and I've spent most of the day sorting out washing and doing a spot of tidying. What a lovely couple of weeks with sons and brother arriving and departing at various times. We have walked along heathery headlands, teetered on the edges of very high cliffs, admired choughs, scanned the horizons for whales (no luck), investigated signal towers, explored old copper mines; eaten large pizzas and italian ice creams and just missed the pig and turnip race in Ballydehob (don't ask!); watched films, skimmed stones and swam and swam! We all became addicted and I have now found out which jellyfish sting and how much it hurts - compass jellyfish, and not a lot.
All good and interesting how everyone seems to be a potentially life changing moments.
Today's image is today's swimming spot - different to usual as cattle are now on the headland, and the gates have been padlocked. This little beach is quite close to the road and I got a few waves from passing cars but the water was warm and it was lovely.
A few backblips:
Boys and their toys
Toe Head
To the Lighthouse
A strange thing
brow Head
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