
When I was a child Saturdays meant, that with Mum at work, Dad was in charge of childcare. More often than not this involved a trip to Newington library, lunch of pea & ham soup and a dinner of burnt fish fingers and chips (eaten whilst watching the Dukes of Hazzard getting one over on Boss Hog).

Nowadays Saturdays are geared around Arlo's swimming lessons, he was back today and has moved up to the next class. He is fearless in the water and was grinning like a loon as he jumped in over and over again.

Before swimming Arlo treated me to a random selection of tunes from my CD collection. We started with 00's hip-hop from The Coup, wander into neo-classical with Marsen Jules and finished off with a good leap around to Mudhoney. I know which one we enjoyed the most.

* as an aside, I took a real work-related battering in this building a few years back. The customer, correctly, tore us to pieces. Libraries aren't all peace and quiet you know.

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