The Hidden Lane

Today we forced ourselves to get up earlier than usual on the weekends.
It's hard.
I am very tired after my working week and just want to sleep. On the other hand I do not want to lose the precious 2 days per week I am not working .... 
However, we had breakfast and went out to the first farmer's Market this year. It was small and a lot of stalls were missing. We ended up not getting anything.
As we had no load, we decided to have a look at the Hidden Lane off Argyle Street and to visit the Hidden Lane Gallery.
I have never walked into the Hidden Lane and it was quite interesting. A bizarre collection of buildings with loads of different small businesses and a Tea Room too. It is amazing how you walk past places a 1000 times and keep missing them ...! We walked around and admired the quirky place, though failed to find the Gallery there. 
Checking on google we realised that the Hidden Lane Gallery was actually on Argyle Street!
We found it and went in to see the photographs from Margaret Watkins
It was a great exhibition and amazing to see the original Palladium Prints from 1910s and 1920s.
We stayed for quite a while and I had a long chat with Caroline, the lovely lady who runs the gallery. I bought to catalogues to take home and study in peace. This woman had done some fantastic work and then disappeared totally from the surface. What a shame.
We left the gallery and went to the Steamie for (guess what) our afternoon caffeine fix and walked home after that.
At home I really fancied just to do nothing and went on the couch with my new colouring book. They say it is relaxing to do that .... and actually it was! After one picture I fell asleep until Neil came to wake me up for dinner.
We actually managed to get out later to meet some friends too!

The Blip is one of the Hidden Lane houses - a bit over processed :)

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