The wonderful Dalgleish

This was a tough choice of blip, here's the alternate. ...This superb lady is Louise Dalgleish, she came into my life when I was 15 and in 5th year at Dunfermline High. She was appointed as the new Head of the Drama department, my favorite subject in school. Tonight was an opening of the brand new facilities at the new school, a test run if you will. The vision Louise had for the department was brought to reality and opened with a show from her current 6th yrs and some ex-pupils with an audience of parents getting a taster. Here she is introducing Ali as William Wallace in the outside, yes outside, theatre in the round!

After going through my Higher Drama course and getting an A, I didn't want to have to stop studying the subject, but at the time there was no such choice of Advance Higher Drama at the school. However thanks to Louise and Fran Rankin that changed. Louise lobbied the rector of the day and asked if I could study it off timetable to see if it was feasible to offer as a course? He eventually agreed but it mean that I had to take on that commitment in my lunch hour and after school. I remember even learning Bertolt Brecht in Costa Coffee one night with Fran...random I know. After a tough year and some improv (what else ;-) ) I passed the course and became the first Dunfermline High student to achieve the Advanced Higher in Drama. It made my 6th year so much more special. I left school and went on to study Politics, then gained my Law Degree, before this year securing my trainee-ship with the Crown Office where I will work as a solicitor for the Procurator Fiscal Service.

This was a long term goal, however the confidence, constructive criticism, independence and general wonderfullness offered to me by Louise and Fran that year stuck with me through all of the turmoils and hard work of the last ten years that have led me to have landed my dream job. Without Louise uprooting her family and moving to take the job she did that year I don't think I would have seen as easily, how hard work and brash confidence, laced with politeness and ownership can get you anything you want in this life!

Other ex-pupils were in attendance tonight and it was plane for me to see the sheer love that they all have for her and the impression she has left on them as people too. She is a truly passionate woman and its clear to see how much investment she has put in, not only in time but emotion into her department and every pupil she comes into contact with.

Everyone should have a Dalgleish in their life to help them through those formative and pivotal years-

Carlsberg don't make teachers, but if they did...

Much love Mrs D, always, xxx

Ps I'm buying you waterproof mascara.

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