The second half of life..

By twigs


Van has new muffler now so warrant was all tickety-boo.  Have a feeling I'm going to be up for a few tyres soon though.  I guess I must have covered some kms in the van!

Spent some lovely time in the garden in the afternoon/early evening.  The rain from the 2 storms has done the garden a big favour on the whole, though there were one of two plants who'd struggled with the high winds.  Some will pull themsleves back up - others won't.

There's a tree outside my house - one that the council planted many years ago (though never actually consulted with the residents!)  After the high winds from the recent storms, a low branch from this tree had been ripped and was looking distinctly unsafe.  I called the council to let them know so they could send one of their works crew round at some point to remove it.  I was most impressed when someone turned up about 90 minutes later.  He looked puzzled when I showed him the damage.

"So, you want the tree removing"

"Umm, no - just the branch"

"The message I got from council was that you wanted the tree removed"

Chinese whispers!

He noted the request, then left, telling me that I could put the other debris the tree had dropped on the berm and someone would take it away when they came to remove the branch.

About 30 minutes later, a second guy arrived.  Assuming he was here to remove the branch, I asked him about the other debris (which I hadn't yet put out).

"Ah - no - I'm only inspecting the ripped branch so we can send someone to do the work"

"Someone was here half an hour ago inspecting it too"

"Oh.  Well.........maybe I can remove it"

"...and take the other debris?"

"Uuuummmm.......ahhhhhh.......ohhhh.......OK then"

In some ways I'm quite impressed with the council - at least the issue was addressed promptly - even if the message details were wrong and the left hand didn't know what the right hand was doing!  Still, it's all done now which is the main thing.

The imminence of the new term is dawning.  Took some time to head to the waterfront for my evening cuppa and watch the sun go down on the holidays...........mono seemed very appropriate.


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