
By PaulaJ

Looking Again

What a wet and miserable Bank Holiday! On most holidays our village is teeming with people setting off walking - not today!

It was not a day for stepping out of the house, but I did make a quick journey down into Appleby in order to . . . look again!

In our area there is a series of Sculptures for Sitting or Eden Benchmarks. They were commissioned for the Millennium to celebrate a very special river - the Eden. Occasionally over the years we have come across these whilst out walking and thought them rather good. So I thought I would find them out and Look Again. Made by selected artists in local stone, they are now quite weathered, which is as it should be. So discovering them again will be interesting.

Here's the first one, just down in our local town of Appleby. It sits beside the river near to an old mill - Bongate Mill. It is called the Primrose Stone and from the approach looks like a boulder. It is only when you get closer that you realise that it is very finely incised in the shape of a primrose. It is a lovely place to sit and it seems to envelop you as you watch the river. I was not sitting in it today!!

Update on the House Martins
There were only two left this morning, so they must be deciding it is time to fly. What a moment that must be, when one suddenly realises it is able to set off.

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